October 2022 Newsletter

  • folder Newsletter
  • watch_later October 31st, 2022

Happy Halloween From Ntooitive Digital!

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How Ntooitive Increased a Client’s Revenue
More Than 200%

Garlic Marketing Show

 Co-founder and CEO Ryan Christiansen is the latest guest on The Garlic Marketing Show talking about Ntooitive’s successful video campaign for a CBD business that increased revenue over 200%.

What you’ll learn:

  • Reconnecting Brands with Their Audience
  • Why Leveraging Organic Marketing is Important
  • SEO Can Be Your Best Friend—And Your Worst Enemy
  • Data’s Big Role in Creating Content

Nowadays, digitally reconnecting with your audience is crucial. It’s a great way to let them know that, “Hey, we’re still here.”

On the flipside, the lack of digital presence may cause even well-known brands to tank.

For the full-length episode, click on the link below!

2022 Inc. 5000 Business Leaders Luncheon

At Ntooitive, our mission has always been to help businesses grow revenue through the application of technology-driven solutions. We service companies around the country, yet it’s no secret that we are especially passionate about our Nevada business community.

As a local Las Vegas business and Inc. 5000 honoree for the past three years, we are welcoming all 2022 Nevada Inc. 5000 companies to a special no-cost luncheon and networking event in the coming months.

This will be our second annual gathering. Last year, we celebrated 2021’s Nevada Inc. 5000 companies. This year, we are opening the doors to Nevada honorees past and present to connect over an afternoon lunch.

In the face of the current economic situation, high inflation, rising interest rates, and both stocks and bonds well into negative territory this year fueled by the mass disruption of a global pandemic, this select group of local leaders pushed beyond the limits. We are looking forward to seeing all Nevada honorees there!

Yielding progressive results with
agile methodology

  • Audit Analysis
    and Discovery
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Proposal
    of Strategy
    1 - 2 weeks
  • Onboarding and
    4 weeks onwards
  • Testing and
    Proof of Concept
    1-3 weeks
  • Launch
    Pre-Go Live Test
    2 weeks
  • Analyze and Optimize

Take the next step